
Your 2020 SEO Plan For…How Do I Rank On Google?

How Do I Get Ranked on Google in 2020?

Yes, You Really Can Get Google Ranked as a SEO rookie! You’ve got your website up and running, and now you’re wondering how to increase traffic to drive your business. What’s one of the best ways to do this? To get ranked on Google, of course. Google is the world’s largest search engine with billions […]

Fill Your Marketing and Sales Funnel With Social Posts

Fill your marketing and sales funnel with social posts

You’ve got your business idea. You’re motivated to take your work life into your own hands and become the entrepreneur you’ve always been at heart. You’ve done your research on how to market your idea successfully by implementing and optimizing a sales funnel.  But you’re still new at this, and despite doing all of the […]

How to Start a Side Business Fast

How to start a side business or side hustle fast

So you’ve decided to start a side business. You’re motivated to do something different with your work life, and you have an idea of what you want to do to make some extra cash.  But you just don’t know how or where to start.  Well, you’re not alone. Many of us tend to get complacent […]

What Side Businesses Can I Start While Working Full Time?

What Side Businesses can I start while working full time?

You’re already working full time. You spend 40+ hours per week in your current profession to support yourself and those who depend on you.  For you, though, it’s still not enough. You’re on the hunt for ways to make more income, but you’re afraid that you just don’t have the time or energy to devote […]

How to start a side hustle while keeping your day job

How To Start A Side Business Will Keeping Your Day Job - Joseph Bojang

So you want to start a side business or side hustle and keep your day job? Good for you!   Several years ago I started a side business while working my 9-5 job and it changed my life. It led to me being debt-free and getting an opportunity to help others grow their businesses.   […]

Best Side Business for 2020

2020 is just around the corner. What are YOU going to do with it? Maybe you’re feeling stagnant. You’ve been working for the same company for years, clocking in and out absent-mindedly and savoring the occasional government holiday. You know exactly how much you’ll make on every paycheck and there’s no opportunity for overtime. Even […]

What is a sales funnel?

what is a sales funnel? Joseph Bojang

If you have an internet connection and you’ve been looking to grow your business or learning how to market your idea or product, perhaps you’ve heard the term “sales funnel.” The term may seem a bit difficult to understand, so let’s think of it in terms that are easy to understand in the real world, […]

TCE 016: Content Marketing with Stef Negrin

Today I’m speaking with Stef Negrin of stefnegrin.com, she helps bloggers and entrepreneurs create content that sells out their products and services. If you are looking for great ways to create new content that will get your potential prospects sold, you have to listen to this episode. Stef In this episode Stef talks about: unlimited […]

TCE015: Facebook Messenger Chatbots with Arvell Craig

Recently I had Arvell Craig on the show to talk about Facebook Messenger Chatbots. If you’ve never heard of a chatbot and you’re looking to find out a little more don’t miss out on listening to this episode. In this episode we discuss: When you should use a chatbot marketing funnel resources to get you […]

TCE 014: Meet My Mastermind Group

I thought it would be a fun episode to talk with the guys (Juan and Jason) from my mastermind group. In this episode, we talk about how we started, the benefits of being in a mastermind, and some general points from what we’ve gotten from it so far.

TCE 013: The 4 C’s Of Breakthroughs

Achieving success in life or work usually comes with “working hard” and putting yourself “out there.” But these words are a little vague and sometimes hard to take action on. We aren’t always sure what steps to take and if taking those steps will even lead to success. In this episode I talk about the […]

TCE 012: Work Less, Make More with James Schramko

In this episode I interview James Schramko and we discuss his book, “Work Less, Make More: The counter-intuitive approach to building a profitable business and a life you actually love.” James helps business owners become 6, 7, and 8 figure business owners through his coaching, podcast, and events through www.SuperFastBusiness.com. In the interview we discuss: […]